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The nada-run tool executes a Nada program using the Nada VM with the cryptographic algorithms but without the peer-to-peer (p2p) network.

Usage: nada-run [OPTIONS] --prime-size <PRIME_SIZE> <PROGRAM_PATH>

Program path to the compiled program file

-p, --prime-size <PRIME_SIZE>
Prime size in bits; 256 is a good default

-n, --network-size <NETWORK_SIZE>
The size of the local network

[default: 3]

-d, --polynomial-degree <POLYNOMIAL_DEGREE>
The degree of the polynomial used

[default: 1]

--int-secret <INTEGER_SECRETS>
An integer secret.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: i]

An unsigned integer secret.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: ui]

--secrets-path <SECRETS_PATH>
A path to load secrets from

--int-public-variable <INTEGER_PUBLIC_VARIABLES>
An integer public variable.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: ip]

An unsigned integer public variable.

These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.

[aliases: uip]

--public-variables-path <PUBLIC_VARIABLES_PATH>
A path to load secrets from

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version
Print version